Month: September 2019

Traffic delays after truck caught alight going up Van Reenen’s pass.

Traffic delays after truck caught alight going up Van Reenen’s pass.

Truck caught alight going up Van Reenen’s pass. Traffic is severely backed up for approximately 10km northbound. No one has been injured in the incident. Craig Botha KZPA Media Alerts Traffic delays after truck caught alight going up Van Reenen’s pass. #ArriveAlive @TruckAndFreight @N3Route — Arrive Alive (@_ArriveAlive) […]

Trilateral Cross-Border operation makes an indelible dent on displaced crime

Trilateral Cross-Border operation makes an indelible dent on displaced crime

Police efforts to fight cross border crime between Eastern, Northern and Western Cape by intercepting criminals moving from one province to another committing crime and engaging in illegal activities have been rewarded with successes. This was achieved through strategic deployment of human and material resources aimed to break the backbone […]


Which loads are we transporting by way of road freight in South Africa?

Have you ever driven behind a truck and started debating with your passengers what the load on that truck might be? The Ctrack Logistics Barometer, an economic indicator and performance gauge of the South African logistics and supply chain industries, provides some interesting insights to the loads we transport on roads […]