Month: April 2018

Truck crash 5km out of Harrismith direction Van Reenen.

Truck crash 5km out of Harrismith direction Van Reenen.

A multiple-vehicle crash this evening on the N3, 5 km out of Harrismith direction Van Reenen. 2 Trucks and a car involved. 1 Critically injured was treated and transported to hospital. No Emer-G-Med Truck crash 5km out of Harrismith direction Van Reenen #ArriveAlive @EMER_G_MED @N3Route @TruckAndFreight — Arrive […]

Bakery truck robbed on N2 near Jeffreys Bay

Bakery truck robbed on N2 near Jeffreys Bay

Jeffreys Bay: A bakery truck was robbed of cash after two men armed with firearms driving a Hyundai Accent forced it off the road on N2 near Jeffreys Bay today. On Friday, 27 April 2018 around 05:00, a driver of a bakery truck and his assistant alleged that while driving […]

South Africa: Somewhere over the rainbow

South Africa: Somewhere over the rainbow

Euler Hermes publishes its Q1 2018 country and sector risk ratings, a report helping decision makers to trade internationally, and positions South Africa as a medium risk country poised for GDP growth with 2% 2018 and 2.5% in 2019 Constructions and metals are the riskiest sectors in 2018. The pharmaceutical industry […]

HAVAL is on the Move!

HAVAL is on the Move!

The eagle-eyed and inquisitive might have noticed a flurry of activity around  Haval and GWM’s massive parts warehouse in Durban – what with loaded trucks leaving the premises, signaling “good-bye” to this facility. A facility that has done sterling duty for over a decade. And – before we go any […]