Paramedics from Emer-G-Med was activated to a collision on Steve Biko and Ben Swart Street. Fortunately, no one was injured in the collision
Tag: Pretoria
At least 15 injured after truck and taxi collide, Pretoria
Approximately fifteen people have been injured after a truck collided with a taxi on the corner of Nana Sita and Kosi Mampuru street in Pretoria this afternoon. At 16h40, paramedics arrived at the scene and found one woman still trapped inside the taxi. ER24 paramedics treated three women, one who […]
Collision on the N1 South before Lynwood Road, Pretoria
This morning EMER-G-MED’s RV8 and A07 responded to a serious collision on the N1 South before Lynwood Road, in Pretoria Paramedics arrived at the scene to find that a truck had collided with a car, leaving the car wedged between the truck and the centre barrier. The two occupants of […]
Truck ploughs through residential wall, Pretoria
A truck driver has sustained moderate injuries after a truck delivering cement rolled back on a steep road and crashed through a residential wall on Korannaberg street in Waterkloof Heights, Pretoria. When Netcare911 paramedics and other services arrived on scene they found the truck driver still in his truck with […]
A man has died and another is in a critical condition after a truck collision
A man has died and another is in a critical condition after a truck collided with a vehicle on Graham road in the Boskop area, Pretoria. The exact detail to the cause of the accident will remain a subject for police investigation and comment. When Netcare911 paramedics arrived on the […]