As someone who frequently travels the N1 freeway between Bloemfontein and Cape Town and Bloemfontein and Johannesburg, it has become rather evident how much of our economy is reliant on the transportation of cargo via road freight.
It appears that Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the “extra busy” days when sharing the roads with trucks. It has been said that up to 30% of all the vehicles on the N3 between Johannesburg and Pietermaritzburg are trucks.
Having attended the TruckX conference during 2016 and 2017, I have become more intrigued at observing the signs and symbols on trucks! At this conference there was a very informative presentation by Adrian van Tonder on RTMS and how self-regulation in the trucking industry is making our roads safer.
Through adherence to this industry standard fleet managers are keeping their fleets roadworthy, reducing operational costs and also attending to the wellbeing of our truck drivers!
On the Arrive Alive website we find a Q&A with Adrian Van Tonder revealing the impact that RTMS can have not only on the trucking community but on all road users sharing the roads with trucks.
Road Transport Management System (RTMS): Making Trucking Safer
Road Transport Management System [RTMS] and Road Safety