Everybody loves stories about heroes – ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

At Hollard Trucking, we’re planning a book about our Highway Heroes: the truck drivers who travel all over our country. Highway Heroes like you.

So we’d love for you to share your pictures with us and tell us your stories.

What we need

What we need most are photographs that show us your day, such as:

•    At home: getting ready for the long road; kissing your family goodbye, or hello; making food; your home; helping your kids with homework; time with your family or friends; hobbies and things you do for fun
•    On the road: preparing your truck; picking up or offloading cargo; places where you stop; people you meet; what you eat; what you do for entertainment; where you sleep; the best and worst places you see

We want photographs taken at all times of the day and night, in all kinds of places. And it’s really OK if your pictures don’t look like a professional photographer took them.

With each picture, we need a few simple details to help tell the story: your name and cellphone number; a short explanation of who is in the picture and what they are doing; and the place, date and time the picture was taken.

We’re offering three monthly hampers for the best photographs in July, August and September – and a prize of R5 000 for the best overall picture each month!

What won’t work

•    Selfies of you sitting in your truck
•    Pictures of people standing still, in a line – they should be doing things
•    Pictures without details – we need to know what’s going on
•    Pictures that are blurry, too dark, too grainy or taken from too far away

How to submit your pictures

Please WhatsApp your photos, with details, to 082 402 0448 before 30 September 2019

Good luck! We look forward to seeing the pictures that you share with us!

For further info visit:  hollard.co.za/highway-heroes