Dump trucks are essential for your construction business. From transporting materials to removing rubble for recycling, a dump truck has a wide range of uses that can assist with business operations.
Finding the right dump truck to suit your requirements can be a lengthy task, especially since they come in various sizes and models, with functions that may differ from others. Before you can make a decision on the type of dump truck you need, you first need to know how it can benefit your business.
These vehicles are expensive, therefore it is important to make the right decision to give your business the best possible return on investment. It needs to be something that you intend on using for a long time. Each truck has their own carrying capacity, so do not exceed the capacity of the dump box. For example, you cannot purchase a smaller dump truck to do bigger loads, as this will lead to wear and tear.
What does a dump truck do?
A dump truck is used to transport loose material from site to site. The traditional design is equipped with an open-box bed, with a tailgate to assist with the lifting of the dumping section. This movement is the ‘dumping’ action, where the top will slide up and everything will fall out at the end, onto the ground where specified. Depending on your use, these heavy-duty vehicles come in a variety of different designs to accommodate the operator’s requirements. The bigger the vehicle, the more engine power it has to do more and perform more effectively. Most dump trucks are available in diesel and petrol.
How does a dump truck work?
Dump trucks have two types of dumping mechanisms. One of them are the hydraulic pistons, which are used to lift the end of the dump box that is closest to the front of the vehicle. When you use this mechanism, you will cause the entire box to tilt up. The other type of mechanism is a reinforced panel, which is mounted vertically within the dump box. Again, depending on your requirements, many construction companies prefer to use the hydraulic piston because the activity doesn’t necessarily require extra vertical clearance. When operating this vehicle, you cannot use the dump box if the vehicle is not switched on and running. To prevent any accidents, place your gear in neutral before dumping.
What are the different types of dump trucks?
Here are the most commonly used dump trucks, with seperate operating requirements:
- Articulated dump truck
An articulated dump truck is commonly used for off-road conditions, as it works well on difficult terrain with limited space to move around. Unlike any of the others, the dump box is separate to the cab section of the truck, and is pulled behind it on a trailer. This vehicle is long, which makes the turning radius smaller.
- Rigid dump truck
A rigid dump truck looks very similar to a normal truck, with the operating section in a closed cab and the dump box right behind the cab. These are the trucks that spring to mind when you think of a traditional construction dump vehicle. Usually, these trucks are diesel and only have two axles. This particular truck is mainly used for bigger construction or mining sites, as it can transport all kinds of excess materials. It works on terrain that is soft and sandy and has great power to offload massive amounts.
- Tracked dump truck
Much like the previously mentioned Rigid dump truck, this vehicle is able to carry heavy weight material with ease. The only change is that this vehicle works with tracks instead of tyres. These tracks are usually made from rubber or steel, making it easy to slide through areas. The rubber tracks are for paved areas, and the steel tracks are used for rocky terrain as they are much stronger and noisier when operating.
Final words
Do your research and choose your truck according to capacity and durability. As mentioned, these are expensive heavy-duty vehicles, so the size and design needs to suit your requirements. Whether you decide to purchase one or hire one, dump trucks can assist your business in several ways, increasing productivity and making business operations more efficient.
Although these vehicles are important for efficient operations, they need to be operated by a trained individual to avoid accidents. Driving overloaded will reduce your vehicle control and increase the potential for an accident. The driver will also need to learn how to dump the loads properly, but whoever your preferred manufacturer is, they will be able to guide you on any on-site safety tips and regulations.