On 17 July, the Early Awards’ Entry Period should have concluded but following an influx of requests for more time, MasterDrive is extending the Early Entry Period to 17 August 2024 instead. For those that have already entered, do not fear! Some of the prizes will be awarded now, to avoid waiting any longer. Excitement is building to win one of these fantastic prizes.
The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says the line-up of terrific prizes resulted in significant increase in entries. “It also spurred urgent appeals for extra time to submit entries and stand a chance to not only potentially be a winner in the prestigious Fleet Safety Awards but also possibly enjoy luxury experiences in between as well.
“Additionally, due to the substantial interest already shown, several extra prizes will also be added. This increases the number of prizes that entrants can win and increases the probability of being a lucky winner. Ultimately, however, this is how the team can recognise and reward those who have submitted their entry well before the closing date,” says Herbert.
Prizes revealed at the beginning of the Early Entry Awards period:
– Two tickets to Cape Town Sevens including travel arrangements
– Four general access tickets to Festival of Motoring
– Two tickets to PAN African Supply Chain Awards
– Four tickets to the Cape Town Boatica
– Two tickets to Simola Hillclimb 2025, including pit entry
– Two tickets to the Road Freight SME Summit
New prizes up for grabs:
– An additional four general access tickets to Festival of Motoring
– Two Takealot vouchers worth R500 each
– A Hi-Performance Driving Experience with MasterDrive for a driver and spectator
The first few winners of items from the outstanding line-up of goodies and tickets were also selected randomly. MasterDrive thanks the following people for submitting their entries and gives their congratulations on being drawn to win two general access tickets to Festival of Motoring each:
– Andre van Rooyen
– Willem Schlechter
MasterDrive encourages more individuals and organisations intending on entering to not waste any time in submitting their entry before 17 August. “By doing this you give yourself plenty of time to submit the best possible entry. Additionally, judges have already started evaluating entries and your timely submittance ensures they have a good amount of time to pour over your entry.
“With up to R150 000 in prizes for top achieving organisations, fleet managers and drivers being awarded, the Fleet Safety Awards deserves your full attention to showcase your commitment to road safety, and not something to hurriedly submit. What is even better is the chance to win something extra in the process,” says Herbert.
Over the next few weeks, we expect to see the same calibre of entries submitted when the early entry period began. MasterDrive looks forward to seeing your entry among them and to potentially rewarding you with one of the fantastic prizes that can be won during this time.
How to enter
Watch this quick video on how to enter the Fleet Safety Awards:
Entrants need to follow three simple steps:
1. Sing-up
2. Sign-in
3. Participate
Each entrant needs to sign-up to enter the Awards. Due to various upgrades to the site, even if a profile was created during the 2023 Awards, a new profile is required to participate. The sign-up process consists of only six basic questions that will take less than a minute to complete.
Once a profile is created, you will receive an email and SMS with your unique user ID. To log in, the unique user ID needs to be entered and the home page will open. After entering your unique ID once, your device will remember the ID if cookies are enabled.
Once the home page opens, entrants can select the category or categories they would like to enter. When entering Best Fleet Manager and Best Organisation, multiple categories can be entered depending on the type of vehicle-classes you are submitting entries for. Once an entrant completes all the categories they would like to enter, the entry process is complete.