The driver of an articulated truck was arrested on Friday by municipal traffic officials in the streets of Swakopmund after nearly causing several fatal accidents on his way into town.

At the scene where the man was arrested it came to light that he overtook several vehicles on the bridge over the Swakop River. The drivers of some of the other vehicles had to get up on the narrow sidewalk to avoid being crushed by the huge truck coming straight at them.

Two civilians that were forced to make way for the truck turned around and followed the driver into the streets where they managed to pull him over.

One of the civilians said when the man got out of the truck he could barely stand.

“He was holding on to his vehicle to keep himself from falling over.”

The civilians contacted the Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch and the municipal traffic officials. When the officials got to the scene the truck driver had to lean on the traffic vehicle to keep from falling over.

Sobriety and breath alcohol tests were done and the man was taken into custody after it was found that his blood alcohol content was over the legal limit.

After the driver was taken into custody traffic officials had to take the truck belonging to P. P. Enkali Transport from Ondangwa to the  police station in town where it would be kept until the man is freed on bail.

[Story via Informante]