The concerted efforts of the multi – disciplinary forces executing weekly high density Operation Shanela actions, are bearing fruits as 424 suspects were arrested for various crimes.

Actions were executed in all five districts in the province to address priority crimes in hotspot areas from 18 to 25 February 2024.

These disruptive actions and activities included vehicle control points (VCP’s), stop and searches, roadblocks, tracing of wanted suspects, foot and vehicle patrols, foot patrols in malls and shopping complexes, compliance inspections and visits to farms and mines.

During these operations, 265 suspects were arrested for an array of crimes including illegal possession of explosives, illegal possession of a firearm, possession of a suspected stolen vehicle, illicit mining, murder, rape, illegal dealing in liquor, dealing in drugs, undocumented persons, assaults, malicious damage to property and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

During tracing operations, detectives arrested 159 daily wanted suspects for business robberies, murder, rape, assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm and illegal firearms and ammunition.

A total of 123 VCP (vehicle control points) and 29 roadblocks were conducted across the province. 360 premises were searched, 9986 vehicles and 17 071 persons were stopped and searched.

Compliance inspections were executed at second-hand dealers and liquor premises.

During the operations, the police confiscated firearms, cell phones, dangerous weapons, thousands of litres of alcoholic beverages, drugs including mandrax, tik, dagga, explosives and cash believed to be the proceeds of crime.

The Provincial Commissioner of the Northern Cape, Lt Gen Koliswa Otola assured the public that operations will continue unabatedly and with no fear or favour.

She stated that a zero tolerance approach will be adopted towards the abuse of alcohol and drugs and crimes committed against women and children. She made a special call to communities to rate the police efforts by participating in the “RATE OUR SERVICE” online survey to assist the police in improving service delivery.