As part of its National Transport Month activities, the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA), presents its 2018 Responsible Care® Transportation of Dangerous Goods Seminar in Johannesburg and Durban during October.
The seminar is aimed at dangerous goods experts and all persons involved in the handling and transportation of dangerous goods in the chemical, transportation and allied industries as well as spill responders, environment insurers, students and academics in the transportation and logistics areas.
“Transport Month is important for the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA)
and the chemical industry as we deal with the transportation of hazardous materials. These materials pose specific risks that make it essential for hauliers and logistics service providers to have management systems in place to identify and control these risks.
“Failure to do so can cause harm to people, animals, property and the environment in the
event of an accident,” says Deidré Penfold, Executive Director of CAIA.
In 1994 CAIA launched the Responsible Care® Initiative in South Africa, the global
chemical industry’s unique initiative to improve health, safety, security and environmental
performance and to communicate with stakeholders about products and processes.
CAIA members voluntarily sign the Responsible Care® Declaration, pledging
to conduct all operations, including the transportation of hazardous materials, in a safe and
environmentally sustainable manner and to incorporate the Responsible Care® ethics and
requirements into its business strategy, management system and daily operations.
“The 2018 Responsible Care® Transportation of Dangerous Goods Seminar is one of only a few events available, offering an opportunity to interact with experts from within both Government and the private sector,” says Penfold.
Presentation topics will cover the following:
• An update on dangerous goods legislation
• Road enforcement – Industry and Government Perspectives
• Vehicle compliance
• Understanding the risk of transporting dangerous goods
• SQAS-AFRICA Management System Requirements
• Driver training
The presenters were selected with the aim to reach as wide an audience as possible and will be confirmed closer to the event.
The Johannesburg seminar will take place on 16 October 2018 at The Country Club Johannesburg, 1 Napier Road, Auckland Park, Johannesburg. In Durban, the event venue is at The Durban Country Club, Isaiah Ntshangase Road, Durban and the seminar date is 18 October 2018.
Registration fees are R1 500 for CAIA members, R1 700 for non-CAIA members and R800 for students. Al registration fees exclude VAT.
Kindly contact Brianna Kock (rcare@caia.co.za) for more information or to obtain a registration form.
A more detailed programme will be forwarded to participants once the speaker line-up has been confirmed.
07h45 – 08h30 Registration and networking
08h30 – 08h40 Welcome & introduction
08h45 – 10h10 Presentations
10h15 – 10h30 Refreshment break
10h35 – 12h15 Presentations
12h20 – 13h30 Lunch
13h35 – 16h15 Presentations
16h30 Closure
Note to seminar participants:
• Please complete the registration form in full and return to CAIA (rcare@caia.co.za).
• All registration forms must be submitted to CAIA no later than 9 October 2018.
• Kindly contact CAIA should you have any queries regarding the seminar.
• When registering more than one delegate, please complete a separate registration form for each delegate. Delegates will only be booked for the seminar once CAIA has received the registration form from the delegate. Confirmation of attendance will be sent once proof of payment has been received.
• Payment must take place by 15 October 2018. Kindly forward proof of payment (i.e. a copy of the bank deposit or EFT payment) to rcare2@caia.co.za, or fax on (011) 327 6348.
• The CAIA office must be notified in writing of cancellations 48 hours prior to the training event. Cancellations received less than 48 hours prior to the training, will be charged in full.
About CAIA
The South African chemical and allied industries are represented by the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA) which has 164 members including chemical manufacturers, traders and industry service providers.
As an association that forms part of a worldwide network of chemical industry associations, CAIA seeks to promote the continuous improvement of performance in the safety, health and environmental arenas as well as to boost productivity and competitiveness of the chemical and allied industries in South Africa, thereby enhancing their sustainability.
Members are mainly big and medium-sized companies drawn from base chemicals, fertilizers, plastics in primary form, pesticides and other agricultural products, explosives and speciality chemicals. CAIA’s primary goals are to promote Responsible Care®, to earn public trust for the chemical industry, to improve the efficiency of its advocacy efforts, to support education initiatives in science, engineering and technology and to create maximum value for member companies.
The Association interacts with a number of employer bodies, the Chemical Industries’ Education & Training Authority, various professional societies and other associations representing sub-sections of the industry. CAIA is the custodian of the global Responsible Care® initiative, which was launched in South Africa in 1994. Through this initiative, companies make a formal public commitment to continuously improve their safety, health, and environmental performance.
CAIA operates through a board comprised of Chief Executive Officers of member companies, and the day-to-day running of the association is led by the Executive Director, Deidré Penfold.